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Penny's Piece

The week from our Administrator's Desk


Mud Larks

Hi all,

This Sunday there are Communion services at St. Leonard's at 8.00am and 10.00am.


The 10.00am service is followed by a chance to have a chat with Erika about joining the Welcome or Coffee teams.


If you would like to know more, grab a coffee and head for the Oakley Room.


There's also the meeting on Monday at 7:30pm in the Centre for anyone interested in joining the Prayer Ministry team.


Come along to find out how amazing it is to be part of the team supporting people with prayer after the 10.00am services. Refreshments will be provided.


Alpha starts in the Centre on Wednesday evening at 7.00pm, it's not too late to sign up, or to bring someone along.


Please let the office or Jamie know in advance mentioning any dietary requirements.


We are still looking for someone to help send out the booking forms for the Christmas Market, and maybe 2 or 3 further emails nearer the time.


If someone might be able to take this on, it would really help…


On the same subject, would anyone be interested in designing and setting up the Church area on the 30 November.


It would be great to have some free activities as it's such a chance to advertise all the Christmas services etc, and events in the New Year.


We are also seeking gentlemen who might be prepared to wear red, don wellies and some facial hair, along with some accompanying elves….


The Brief Encounters Group are off to Southampton tomorrow (Saturday) for a day trip on the paddle steamer Waverley.


Sadly, two people have had to drop out so there are 2 spare tickets. If you or anyone you know would like to go, please let John Eves or the Office know asap. It sails (paddles?) at 9.00am from Southampton.


Although Brief Encounters is primarily a group for people on their own, anyone is welcome to use the tickets to save them going to waste.


Please pray for Sochi, the volunteers and the young people heading for the Big Sunday event at the Andover Road Village Hall, along with the Life Bus at 6:30 on …Sunday!..


I'm off to a soggy, thundery Cornwall for a 40th birthday celebration which is at a vintage steam and tractor rally.


I would be more excited if I could locate my wellies as I am getting Glastonbury vibes!


Hopefully I will be back in Oakley for work on Monday if the mud allows!


Whatever you are up to this weekend, stay safe, dry and mud free!


Love Px

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